Get Bob Lucy’s Book
Bob’s new book, “How to Resist The Devil So He Will Flee– a Field Manual for Deliverance,” is now available– and you can get it either as a download to your device, or as a paperback book mailed to your home. This hefty volume is the culmination of over 20 years of scriptural scholarship and faith-based counseling.
The title is, “How to Resist the Devil So He Will Flee,” but the book encompasses much more than what is implied at first glance. There are various books on obtaining freedom from bondage to Satan’s wiles, but this book will take you deep into the Word, where you will discover or reacquaint yourself in God’s Ways. Why does Satan hold rights to maintain a stronghold in areas of your life? Why/how do demons and demonic influences hide behind various traumas and experiences that have occurred, and how did they gain footholds? Examples of real life experiences during Bob Lucy’s years of ministry and teaching are detailed throughout the book.
Bob Lucy provides Biblical insights into these questions, delving deeply into how to become free and then maintain freedom going forward. If you have gone around and around in areas of sin, seemingly unable to break free, or are stuck in emotional and/or physical issues, you should read this book. You will have insights not only in your own life but will have a deeper understanding on how to help others that God places in your path.
Don – Indiana
“How to Resist The Devil So He Will Flee: A Field Manual for Deliverance”
Greetings to all ministry friends, partners, and family!
I am excited to inform you all that the book I’ve been working on for the last 20+ years is completed. It is titled, “How to Resist the devil so he will Flee” (A Field Manual for Deliverance). It’s 310 full size pages, and the book is costly to print due to its size. It is just shy of $30 a copy to print and to complete each book. I am looking to sell each copy for $40 in order to print more copies.
If anyone cannot afford a copy, please let me know, because some have donated extra for these individuals. It will also be free to read and study on my website, or to download as a PDF and print out.
I believe that this book will be used mightily by the Lord. It will be used to teach people who are hungry to be free, and how to apply Biblical principles to who we are in our authority in Christ. It will teach believers of our authority and ability to speak to mountains in our lives, and also for others seeking freedom.
Another deliverance minister commented that this book is a wealth of Biblical knowledge and is and application for teaching the anointing of deliverance. Each chapter is a Biblical teaching on areas of contamination. These are legal rights the enemy can acquire to steal our covenant promises from God. Our enemy’s goal (satan’s) is for us to stay in a place of perishing for a lack of knowledge.
My desire with this book is to empower the Body of Christ to break legal rights of the enemy. And also, I want people to receive freedom for their own lives, their own families, and their ministry circles.
Many blessings to you all,
Bob Lucy
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Read Bob’s field manual for deliverance at no charge.
- 307 pages.
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- 307 pages, 8.5 X 11 inches.
- You can download it and read it on your device.
- You can print it out if desired.
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- This window will stay open. After your donation you can come back here to download your PDF. Thank you for your generosity!
Buy the book, mailed to you via US Post Office.
Own a hard copy of Bob’s book for $40 plus $9 flat rate shipping.
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- A $9 flat-rate shipping charge is added for continental US only.
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